1. Formatting/words
  2. Sentence structure


Sherley Francois

Professor Jesse Miller

English 110 Section H4

October 11th, 2017

Meal Analysis Essay

When reading Where I’m Calling from by Raymond Carver the family had avoid eating throughout their entire stay at the hospital and when they went home. Even when the father, Howard went home with his wife he started the coffee pot but ended up drinking whiskey instead to ease the pain. When they finally did eat it was sort of like they were distracted and thats the only reason why they ate. If it was not for the baker feeding them coffee and hot cinnamon roll they probably would not of eaten that night. The baker said “ You have to eat and keep going. Eating is a small good thing in a time like this” (Carver, page 217). After that Ann the wife ate more of the sweet roll. On page 219 the author, Carver mentioned about how the baker was glad to be feeding people and not be a florist. Even though this situation was not a party nor a happy event somehow the warm and sweet cinnamon rolls and the dark bread made the grieving parents see the the “daylight under the fluorescent trays of light” (Carver, Page 219).  While this tragedy brought these parents together, eating together I believe that the author of Food for Thought Roy would also agree because in her story she mentioned that while she was at the hospital she didn’t eat anything but she knew that her comfort food would comfort her and bring her family together. In paragraph two, last sentence she stated that “Beef macaroni and cheese is my favorite food because it was the constant that brought my family together. At the same time, it was the only sense of normality I had while going through a rough time. It was the one meal I could eat until my body healed from the obnoxious torture it endured” (Roy 2017). Although Carver and Roy does not have the same situation but at the end of the day it is some sort if meal that makes them feel better physically and emotionally.

“I felt a sense of community with the people around us. People were cheerful, amiable, and social” (Prakash 2017).

Richardson starts his writing about how horrible his day was going “Tuesdays are terrific. A typical day is started with unpleasant morning awakenings for work, or school. Next would come the motley stew of the busy day, and taking orders at work, followed by the unpalatable ride home. To top off most ordinary days, I would just go home and rest for the next day, rinse, repeat. But tonight is Tuesday and I will be seeing Justine, my girlfriend, master chef, and best friend, after work”. His day is bad until he spends time cooking with his girlfriend Justine. And Richardson proceeds saying that “Taco Tuesdays have become almost like a holiday for us. The time we’ve spent in the kitchen together is some of my favorite memories. From browning the beef to cutting up the lettuce and tomatoes, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The process of creating tacos really does bring us closer” (Richardson 2017).

“At the time, these dinners were a great time to spend with family, eating delicious food and telling each other stories. I got to experience some of the best food in New York City, and spend quality time with some of the people I love most in life. However, looking back on these events, they have a newfound, greater importance to me. About a year ago, Pop was diagnosed with alzheimer’s disease. It was devastating, watching someone who was once the best storyteller I knew now have trouble remembering his daughter’s name. As it has progressed, forming complete sentences has become hard for him, and he now uses gestures with his hands to make up for the lack of words. As depressing as it is, I’m glad I was able to experience these dinners while he was still able to to tell these wonderful stories in all their grandeur. It allowed me to experience him the way my dad did. I got to see what kind of person he was, hear of the adventures he went on and the history he knew firsthand” (Matthews 2017).


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