Learning Outcome 2

For my Significant Writing Project, the final draft that I selected is my first writing during this semester, “Favorite Meal”. In that specific writing I had quotes from an article, talking about the revolutionary war and how it lead up to the reason why us Haitians eat soup on new years day. The quote I chose explained what happened, why and how it lead to my choice of topic. I chose to include that quote because I wanted to include facts in my writing, and did not want it to only be my words. I proceed to explain the quote by adding more details on what the slaves decided to do after the revolutionary war. I wrote, “Two months after his defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte’s colonial forces, Jean-Jacques Dessalines proclaims the independence of Saint-Domingue, renaming it Ayiti after its original Arawak name.” ( Palmieri 2015). To celebrate their freedom on January 1st, 1804, the newly freed slaves did what they could not do before, eat soup. During the revolutionary war, soup was off limits to all slaves, although, the women were doing all of the cooking” (Francois 2017). I included this in the beginning of my writing because I wanted to introduce the background information first.