- How would you feel being directly involved in the death process of a family member? Would you be able to push the button to send your loved ones “off to their final disposition” as Doughty says.
-Personally, I don’t see my self ever getting involved with anything that has to do with a dead human body. Being able to push the button that sends my family member off to their final disposition would kill me and leave me with a feeling of guilt. I would not want to have a memory of any of my family members being slid in to the flames. I would rather not even know the process to be honest. In that situation I would most definitely leave that up to the funeral home workers.
- Why does Caitlyn Doughty feel like it is so important to humanize in the industrial crematorium?
-Doughty states that most of the time she was alone when sending people whom she did not know off to their final disposition and it did not feel right. Doughty thinks that the experience is powerful and that while in the cremation room, the family member that pushes the button is basically taking responsibility for that body and the death and that loss to the community.
- Having gone behind curtains of embalming, cremation, and fast-food production, has your opinion changed regarding these commonly accepted practices? Reflect on the Pollan, Mitford, and Doughty interview and isolate a passage from EACH text that did not surprise you and one that did. Help us understand why for all 6 references
-Having gone being the curtains of embalming, I can say that I was aware of everything but not so detailed. I was really surprise by how they drain the blood out of the body and replace it with fluid. I was aware of the blood being drained but I had no idea that it was replaced. Thats very strange to me because it is not like we save the body for long time its just a couple of days, so all this process is sort of unnecessary to me. I was definitely not surprised by the lips being sewn together. I have been close enough to a dead body to realize that. Reading about the fast food production I was no surprised about the “unknown chemicals” used to make them. But I was surprised by the kinds of chemicals. And the companies don’t hide it from us, all the information is there in words we can barely even pronounce. Listening to Doughty’s interview, I would rather be cremated than to be embalmed, same for my family members. It seems more natural than draining blood and replacing. What surprised me the most was when doughty mentioned that when in the cremation room the bone power fall into cracks of her body. I was sort of disturbed by that because at the end of the day it still is a dead body. I was surprised that she wants family members to be a part of that moment because I think most people would be afraid of that scene, and feeling guilty for that body.