In the past, from middle to high school, when drafting I was taught to make a web. At first I did not like it because I was not used to drafting.I used to start off my essays by thinking about the topic and than writing my thoughts down. I would like to think that that method worked for me at the time because I continued to do it until making a web started to cost me a grade. The whole idea of wasting my time making circles and than proceeding to write in the circles made no sense to me. In middle school I did the web but only because I had to. I think if I understood the point of drafting better at the time I probably would of used it to help me, but teachers only introduced it because it was in the lesson plan. The web consist of drawing a circle in the middle, that being the topic. And than having three legs repressing the three reasons supporting the topic. After realizing the importance of drafting it somehow made writing much easier for me when I got the hang of it. I think it worked due to the types of essays I had to write, wether it was persuasive or expository. By the middle of my high school years it eventually got quick, easy and familiar so I stuck with it. Even when revising I was taught to look over my work, checking my grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. But having been timed on most of my essays I never really got a chance to really revise the way I was told to do it because I spent most of the time focusing on writing the essay. I highly doubt that my learned method will work on my college papers because college writing is much much different than just persuading or explaning a topic with just three reasons.

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